Making Sense – Definitions for Understanding Have you ever talked to someone, but they misunderstood what you said? Did your joke come off offensive? It happens all the time because of our word choice. Words have meaning based on how they are phrased, the situation, and your tone. Avoid confusion by learning how to use…
Category: Articles
Discernment: Good Frame vs. Bad Frame
Good and Bad Frames In navigating the complexities of life, understanding whether a frame—a way of perceiving or engaging with the world—is good or bad can profoundly affect how we live, act, and interact. A good frame empowers us; it feels intuitive and actionable. A bad frame will lead us in the wrong direction. Pragmatism…
Critical Thinking Avoiding Pitfalls
Have you ever asked a big question like, “How do we have better conversations?” and heard something like, “Well, what I try to do is…”? It’s not that the response is wrong—it might even be great advice for an individual—but it doesn’t really tackle the collective problem. A “we” problem needs a “we” solution—something everyone…
How I Process Events
Beer Summit The “Beer Summit” at the White House was a result of a routine police call with a Harvard University professor, Henry Louis Gates Jr, in the city of Cambridge that hit the national media coverage which resulted in a controversy. In the Navigation Patterns video How I Process Events, I break down the…
Fall of the Fourth Estate
The Dan Rather – Killian Documents Controversy On September 8, 2004, Dan Rather reported a story on 60 Minutes Wednesday, titled “For the Record“, questioning George W. Bush’s Texas Air National Guard service. The story was based on documents that were later revealed to be forgeries. The producers knew the documents were forged before airing…
Cognitive Load – How it Works
What is Cognitive Load? Cognitive load refers to the amount of information our brain can process at any given time. Understanding cognitive load is important because it affects how we make decisions, process information, and interact with the world around us. Cognitive load is independent of our IQ level. It will vary greatly from person…
The Trick of Socialism
Socialism Why are people falling for the idea of socialism despite how it has failed historically? In this article, we will review the mental tactics and strategies that are used to convince people that socialism is a good idea. How you view socialism is strongly influenced by how the idea is presented to you. The…
How To Think Better – Models Part 5
Overview and Perspective – Tools for Sense-Making Series This article will summarize the previous models from: Understanding the World – Where we are going? Part 2; Making Sense of the World – Where we are going? Part 3; and Where we need to be. Part 4 – Finalizing the model. You Versus Others Model The…
Where We Need to Be – Part 4
Finalizing the model – Tools for Sense- Making Series Participation Here we have participation among humans with the common good in mind. Then we have this idea of co-manifestation towards the common good. In this complete model, we have orientation and a relationship with humans that creates interaction which causes co-manifestation thus creating the proper orientation. Key Terms Common Good, Co-Manifestation, Participation, Orientation Shared Values This model…
Making Sense of the World
Where Are We Going Part 3 Tools For Sense-Making Series In Understanding the World – Where Are We Going Part 2, we discussed how the perspective model needs both connection and a shared frame between you, the common good, and people. Orientation In this model, you will notice that the common good is at the…