Have you ever asked a big question like, “How do we have better conversations?” and heard something like, “Well, what I try to do is…”? It’s not that the response is wrong—it might even be great advice for an individual—but it doesn’t really tackle the collective problem.
A “we” problem needs a “we” solution—something everyone can get on board with. A personal answer might help one person, but it’s not enough to create change for a group
The Difference Between Structural and Personal Solutions
Here’s the thing: not every problem has a structural solution, but some do. Structural solutions involve systems or frameworks that we can all use. Personal solutions are about what an individual can do.
However, personal solutions don’t always work. If you’re trying your best to communicate better but the group dynamic isn’t changing, it’s easy to feel frustrated or resentful. While simple answers give us a quick fix, not everything can be solved with this approach. When they are too simplistic, they can have disastrous results.
How to Spot Misleading Answers
How can you avoid falling into the trap of people giving simple answers? You can listen by paying attention to whether the answer matches the question. Think deeply about the solution. Is this realistic? Is this applicable to the situation? You can listen by paying attention to whether the answer matches the question. You can also review if the problem is complicated or complex. Complicated problems might have clear solutions, but complex ones often require ongoing effort and adaptation. Lastly, be pragmatic. Look for answers in which you can take action.

The Risks of Oversimplified Solutions
When the personal solution doesn’t work, it’s easy to feel frustrated or lose trust, resulting in disappointment. We also have wasted effort because our time and energy went into strategies that don’t address the real issue. The root issue remains unsolved, which can make things worse over time.
In Summary
We all want to solve problems and make things better, but it’s important to watch out for answers that feel right but don’t actually work. By listening carefully, staying pragmatic, and embracing the complexity of the world, we can tackle challenges more effectively and avoid the frustration of false solutions.
For more information about critical thinking, please watch the following video from Navigating Patterns – Critical Thinking – Avoiding Pitfalls – Linear Projections.
Critical Thinking Series
Critical Thinking Avoiding Pitfalls – YouTube
Discerning a Good Frame from a Bad Frame – Article | YouTube
Fall of the Fourth Estate – Article | YouTube
Apologetics and Theology – YouTube
Good article and video! Really got me in the mood to PAY ATTENTION. Lots of answers to problems sound good and maybe are good, and yet the context and constraints in which it would get implemented can be like so many thorns and weeds getting in the way that a different approach may have been better.